A tad insecure

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Anchorage

Today, I confronted my girlfriend over how she and a male friend have been going out together, drinking and partying, and at one point holding hands in the street. She angrily accused ME of cheating, because "confronting people like that" is apparently something only cheaters themselves do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 855
You deserved it 5 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's apparently of the "Best defense is a good offense" school of thought. By turning the blame on to you, she's hoping to deflect it from herself.

Cheating is such a norm today it's sickening


Shoulda been like "yah you got me" and seen how long it took her to say "oh yah we'll I cheated on you too!!"

12- you might think its ok to have your girlfriend hold hands with another guy and show obvious inappropriate extra attention to another guy, but gf/bf means you do NOT act like you are single. And obviously she is defensive .. Never a good sign or way to start a rationale honest conversation.

He tried talking, she decided to get defensive and toss the blame. That is enough of a reason to "Ditch the Bitch".

That bitch be trippin' over nothing, you're better off without a delusional girlfriend

If you suspect infidelity in your relationship then most of the time there is, that's just the unfortunate truth.

she's obviously right and has all the proof she needs shame on you OP

Well that philosophy is totally off...how does confrontation turn into cheating

@12 Way to try and play the whole "fix it, don't throw it out thing" to get likes. Too bad it doesn't actually apply here at all