
By Massasam - 11/10/2011 20:53 - United States

Today, I was late for work. Trying to cut a few seconds off the clock, I tried to open my breakfast candy bar while taking a piss. I ended up pissing all over myself and dropping the bar in the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 759
You deserved it 41 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

harrywestt 0

Ok first of why the hell would u even want to eat while taking a leak? Just saying kinda stupid.


Don't you know how to eat a candy bar while driving or walking?

Why didn't you just save the bar for break? That was prettyyy stupid

Im pretty sure 'break' isn't the most important meal of the day... Just sayin

look on the bright side, at least the piss was over yourself and not in the toilet, so you could just dry off your candy bar and it's still good =)

every1luvsboners 11

Simple math here. You need to hire a bathroom midget to hold your penis every time that you take a piss. They're fairly cheap and you can shave 3 seconds off of your piss time if you find a good one. Mine sleeps in the towel closet and only eats once a week.

Well maybe if you forget to flush he might eat more than once a week unless thats what you mean

cptmorgan6 8

Well shit... Wake up a little earlier and just piss in your pants while sleeping and you'll make it to work in time.

Hahahaha your comment is so funnyyy!! xD i wish i could put it in my favorites! Thumb up for sure!

I wil give a mouthful of something else how bout that?

#45 I will admit, I've eaten Reese's Puffs for breakfast...More than once. And enjoyed it. #53 If by "something else" you mean your genitals, then no thank you.

rallets 22

reeses puff, reeses puff, peanut butter chocolate flava!!!

If by breakfast candy bar you mean milky way midnight, you better have taken it out of the toilet and eaten it, because those ******* are delicious, even with a side of toilet water.