
By ribbonsundone - 06/01/2010 10:07 - United States

Today, I treated my friends to lunch at a posh restaurant because it's my birthday. While we were walking leisurely around the mall afterwards, their boyfriends showed up. I spent the next few hours walking alone behind them while they were walking hand in hand with their boyfriends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 296
You deserved it 4 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

guckylynn 19

I don't get why YOU would treat your friends to something on your birthday. Usually it's the friend that treats you...

It's kind of weird that their boyfriends ALL decided to show up at once...


bhzballer 0

Get respectable friends and drop those gold diggers!

Erindub 0

Steal one of their boyfriends.Your friends sound like assholes any ways

miley_candota 0

It's my birthday today too!!!! :)

Sleep with their boyfriends when you get the chance. That'll teach them.

Awww I feel so sorry for you.. Because I know how you feel.. It really sucks..

If I were to treat my friends to a meal on my birthday it would be at best McyD's, with a strict adherence to the value menu enforced. F your Life indeed :(

Those are not friends they should have taken you out for your B-Day and hung out with you and ditched the bf''s. I would get new friends!

_sourpatchkid 0

ydi for not standing up for yourself. food for thought...

Why'd u treat your friends to a meal on your bday?

i'll be ur friend =D. just so as long as you're older than 18