
By ribbonsundone - 06/01/2010 10:07 - United States

Today, I treated my friends to lunch at a posh restaurant because it's my birthday. While we were walking leisurely around the mall afterwards, their boyfriends showed up. I spent the next few hours walking alone behind them while they were walking hand in hand with their boyfriends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 296
You deserved it 4 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

guckylynn 19

I don't get why YOU would treat your friends to something on your birthday. Usually it's the friend that treats you...

It's kind of weird that their boyfriends ALL decided to show up at once...


Your friends are selfish assholes. Dump them and get new ones. You can only win.

I'm sorry. Your friends should be more respectful especially if you treated them.

skyeyez9 24

I find it amusing that teens think it is cool to hang out at the mall in their spare time.

so you took them out and spent money on them for your birthday then their boyfriends all strategically show up at once to ignore you. get new friends.

Get friends. Ah, and a life, b4 your next b-day!

JohnnyS52 4

Your cool maybe u should take your advice

Despite their rudeness, if something's important enough to you, you could find a way to make the time for it. On the other hand, if you recently got dumped - well, that could be either an FYL or a YDI, depending. Thanks for giving us the details, OP... NOT! Try again.

Let me get this straight: you paid for your friends to go out with you on your birthday? Shouldn't they be treating you?

If they are your friends, wouldn't they have paid for your birthday lunch? YDI for trying to buy friends!

blue_mandie4 0

Why are you paying for something on your birthday?