By Champignon - 01/11/2013 14:17 - Belgium - Brasschaat

Today, during dinner, my mom told my dad and me in great detail about the "awesome" new cosmetic surgery idea she just had: constructing earlobes for lobeless ears, using skin taken from women's labia. I was forced to sit through this until I finished my plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 344
You deserved it 4 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd rather have lobeless ears than wear lady parts on my head.

ByronJess 17

That had to be ear-itating! No...? Okay...


Eww...and if be asking what is wrong with attached earlobe's. I like my ears attached, and even if I didn't, why would I want perma crotch on my ears??

You have lobes, they're just attached to you. Think of it like this: some kid who stretched the shit out of his ears to the point that they are so thin and just rip one day. He is left without lobes. That is when he would need this weird surgery.

They could technically just sew it up, let the skin regrow and have him live without earlobes. Wouldn't make a noticeable difference most likely anyways, not to mention that they're biologically useless either way. Just seems like a strange thing to call a "great idea" when applicable cases are that few. My guess is that she probably just realised the connection between "earlobes=erogenous zone" and "genitals=massive erogenous zones", then strained herself to come up with anything that could make use of this.

RedPillSucks 31

I doubt that there's much nerve connectivity.

He would still have earlobe's, just ripped, that can be sewed back together with the existing material. I know I have earlobe's that are attached, which is why I used that term rather than lobeless, but when most people talk about having an earlobe and not having one, they mean attached, and not.

"Yeah baby, rub my new ear lobes, ooooo."

That's human centipede...good lord..,.

So...if a guy whisper something in your ear, does it become engorged?

gothmo 8

...Apparently I have lobeless ears. Never knew that was a thing... I just thought it was attached and detached lobes... Whatever. Why would this ever bother anyone so much they'd feel the need to do that?!

I think most men would rather have their balls for ears. They'd be easier to scratch and it would stop people from asking "how they hangin."

Sounds like she's been watching Nip Tuck. Haha!

Wake me when this stupid obsession people have to look like supermodels is over... which will probably be never.