WTF are you doing in here?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I drove into a cluster of dustbins thanks to my dozy cat who'd managed to get into my car, fall asleep, and wake up while I was driving to work. I lost control when I was startled by him staring at me in the rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 989
You deserved it 5 701

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Deitiy 0
rosha267 21


The icing on the cake would have been if the cat looked like the Chesire Cat. I could just picture that looking at me in the mirror - I'd freak out too. :D

Apparently Aussie cats are very crafty. A bell maybe? Might want to put a lock on your knife drawer

Well.... that's what you get when you let your car windows open and your cat roam free.

cunningchick 1

I prob would have stomped on the gas and prob took out a house if tht happened to meh, I get scared at the smallest things,

Haha I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh , my cat does this when I look in the mirror of my dresser and just stares at me . Cats are cute =) creepy as **** but cute .

Sounds like something that would happen to me -__-