WTF are you doing in here?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I drove into a cluster of dustbins thanks to my dozy cat who'd managed to get into my car, fall asleep, and wake up while I was driving to work. I lost control when I was startled by him staring at me in the rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 989
You deserved it 5 701

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Deitiy 0
rosha267 21


First, what's a dustbin? And 2nd, that's what u get for owning a cat lol

Lol how creepy just driving along then see these eyes looking at you

Lol my cat did something like that once, but she was on the roof and we didn't notice until some bikers kept staring and finally told us!

It's rare for an FML to make me laugh out loud. Good job, OP. :) You have an awesome cat.

OsirisFaction_fml 5

I bet the cat was staring at OP, saying to himself "Soon.."

Lmao!! Made me laugh so hard!! EPIC!!!