WTF are you doing in here?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I drove into a cluster of dustbins thanks to my dozy cat who'd managed to get into my car, fall asleep, and wake up while I was driving to work. I lost control when I was startled by him staring at me in the rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 989
You deserved it 5 701

Top comments

Deitiy 0
rosha267 21


JustBecause1985 3

I'm sorry you drove your car into garbage cans...but, just picturing you looking in the mirror and seeing a cat, makes me laugh out loud...It's totally something one of my cats would do too, if I let them outside! Hope your car isn't too badly damaged....and thanks for the laugh!

After reading this, I had the funniest image run through my head...HAHA!

This made me LOL... Sounds like a Simon's Cat episode!

Did anyone else look up 'dozy cat' on google after reading this?

jenx4 5

Lmfao!! That was great!!! This really lol thanks

chongcecilia 0

Omfg made me bust the *** up wish my cat did that lol

Iheartchristmas 5

I'm sorry, this made my day! :D