Wrong question

By Anonymous - 01/08/2009 14:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were having ice cream and I jokingly asked, "What's better? The sex or ice cream?" Apparently, I don't pleasure her like Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 644
You deserved it 48 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So rub mint chocolate chip ice cream on your dick. She'll be all over it. :]

lmmmr 0

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to. YDI.


notlovingit 0

ha well i do have to agree mint chocolate ice cream IS pretty good ;) and #3 - epic

Oh c'mon! There are already enough insecure girlfriend FML's, we don't need insecure boyfriends to start too.

bexox 0

They already started a looooong time ago.

Hey, that happens to be a damn good flavor XD YDI for asking a question like that (: you will never hear the answer you want to hear

Dear OP, Look... when it comes to women and chocolate, I've learned two things. First: gtfo of the way. Second: it's a solo thing that does the trick chemically. It produces feelings of comfort laced with sensual contentedness. My suggestion to you if the chocolate is winning out: learn what she likes and dislikes and keep pace; new game plan time. Comfort laced with sensual contentedness *also* happens to occur after ******, albeit in a moderately different fashion. Nevertheless, they're associated; play your cards right and find out what you could do to pleasure her more than her perception of what Mint Chocolate Chip does for her. Attentive lovers ftw. Remains to be seen if this is FYL or YDI.

to the YDI's: :-D Performance jokes, if it hasn't been made readily apparent yet, are *the* weakness of the males being produced these days. Not saying it's justified; it's just a flaw in the model. Just remember your sentiments the next time he 'jokes' with you about your *weight* when you ask him a question posed as a joke. Remember: production model errors. We're talking about emotional vulnerability, because let's "be real"... we all know questions in joke format are for many, the questions with potential answers they're afraid to find will humiliate them. It's spelling out the world instead of just saying it, to mete out the context as to avoid the *meaning*. There's truth in every joke- it's called emotional vulnerability. It's why the best comedians open our eyes to the flaws in ourselves. So be careful what you joke about... that is, if you give a sh*t about other people's feelings. If not, then disregard and proceed; say hello to the bigger fish for me when it happens. People should *not* be coddled, but that doesn't mean kindness or sensitivity is wholly unnecessary. We all have powers, and we all have model errors:-p

lmmmr 0

Well then he still deserves it for exposing his "emotional vulnerability" in the form of humor. What she said was not mean, it was not even specifically about him, he has no place being offended.

zee209 0

She probably thought you were playing around...and that's why se answered it the way she did. YDI for not having a sense of humor.

llortfeed 0

wtf mint choco ice cream is the best flavor there is you were asking for it YDI dumbass

Sorta your fault for asking her that question

As it says above the box for posting comments "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." Half the comments here are rude. And it's a mix of FYL and YDI. All depends if she was being serious or not. If she likes ice cream more, guess you won't be getting any for a while, unless it involves ice cream. Lol.

Bullshet 0

Well duh. And this surprises you why?