Wrong end of the stick

By Matt - 03/06/2012 14:21 - Australia - Tyabb

Today, I went to my girlfriend's house to break up with her. It was a hard decision and both of us became quite emotionally overwhelmed at the time. We began to hug as a final goodbye, then her mum burst in the room and yelled, "HE FINALLY PROPOSED!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 860
You deserved it 3 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you didn't chicken out and end up proposing to her anyway, like last week's poster.

Hastile 4

Contrasts on your engagement.


Just explain to the parents carefully that you broke up and didn't propose. I hope that they understand! Good luck!

Unbweavable 17

It's not your life that sucks, it's hers

Trisha_aus 15

How low can you go--oh wait..Congo..nvm

sup_life 0

Tell your mother : Yea he proposed but she's not invited to the wedding and see her panic !!

Ilovewyatt 0

Too bad. Im sorry. Atleast u were so kind about it. Good luck to both of u, maybe u will find eachother again(:

Kaleigh090 11

THAT must have been an awkward thing to explain. I hope everything works out for you two and that you can remain on good terms.

"Mom!! Put your hearing aid back on."

ThatGirl6 9