Wrap it up

By Anonymous - 12/02/2020 14:00 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old girlfriend called to tell me she is pregnant. Her dad is ex-military, and makes a point of cleaning his guns every time I go to her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 212
You deserved it 109 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op should've taken some of his girlfriend birth control just to be extra safe.


you can always go with an abortion, no one needs kids raising kids! btw OP you're a dumbass, should always use protection!

love0128 5

Abortion is NEVER the way! Just because "kids should't be raising kids" doesn't mean you should kill the baby!

skyeyez9 24

I had my daughter when I was 25. I was married, financially stable, owned a nice home and it was STILL difficult, stressful at times to raise our child together. I could not imagine having a baby while only 15, in high school, living with my parents, no money, my parents disappointed with me. Just because teens are horny, does not give them the green light to have sex. You get a girl pregnant or become pregnant, your life is most likely ending up: stuck in poverty, welfare, being a single parent. It is not easy being teen parents.

That's why it's easier to be gay. Lol xD

ChelseaRaeS 7

Wow, what losers you guys are. Have fun ruining your life by having a child ten years early

Number of FMLs : 0 confirmed out of 34 posted *cough* loser.

your eyes are to far apart sorry for pointin it out but uz be bein a bitch

blondiiee7 0

why the **** are you saying bitch pleease to her.... youre fat. and fugly. gtfo.

oh, now it's gone up to 0 out of 36. maybe she should just stop trying..

emoflower 2

what the heck were you thinking haveing sex with a 15 year old, dude seriously wtf

Since you did not even mention birth control, it's safe to assume that you are a dumbfuck who had unprotected sex with a 15 year old girl. No sympathy. If you live in Florida, you can get away with murder, so get to his guns before he does.