Wrap it up

By Anonymous - 12/02/2020 14:00 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old girlfriend called to tell me she is pregnant. Her dad is ex-military, and makes a point of cleaning his guns every time I go to her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 212
You deserved it 109 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op should've taken some of his girlfriend birth control just to be extra safe.


Protection can make a difference, dumbass!

whitegirl17 0

you guys are 2 young 2 have sex and now you got to deal with the consequences

maybe he should be cleaning your gun..

why is it always the guys fault? it takes 2 people to get pregnant! she should've 1) said no having sex at 15 2) not been having sex with someone older than her 3) not been having sex with someone older than her and stupid enough to not use birth control or condoms.

rezzel 0

shotgun wedding yeeeehawwww

ok so you got your 15 year old girlfriend pregnant, and all you care about is what her strict dad (who fought for our country) is going to do to you? you are sick and perverted!!! you should be making sure she is alright and taking responsibility and deciding what to do with the baby. (don't you dare make a 15 yr old get an abortion, you dumbass!)

HahaYDI 0

Get MTV on the phone. 16 and Pregnant is nothing compared to 15 and Pregnant.

katiesmurph 5

In my town it's more like 13 and pregnant

UnderTheMoon 0

Don't be silly and wrap your willy.

Starrysky8687 1

You are both children, you should have used a condom or some kind of birth control. Now you both get to face the consequences. Think before you act next time...