Whisky ********

By noO - 07/02/2016 17:43 - United States - Greenwood

Today, for the seventh weekend in a row, I left my weekly visit with my long-distance boyfriend unsatisfied. Seems he enjoys getting shit-faced drunk more than he enjoys getting a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 252
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that sounds horrible. Have you talked to him about it? I mean if he was sober at some point. If not, remember: Kids and drunks always tell the truth. But you might not like what you hear. FYL, OP. You deserve better.

Dam, Op talk to him about how you feel if that does not fix it,time to move on :(


TAntobella 14

7 weeks? maybe he is trying to drop a hint?

Wtf I love having sex with my boyfriend when he's drunk. He lasts longer ? you're obviously not doing something right.. Whether it's your approach towards everything or you're not understanding that he's not interested in you anymore.

Isa_fml 20

Then she should get him help or dump him... UHHHH. Why complain on FML... after the same shit everytime it becomes your fault too for putting up with it especially if its LDR Lol Wtf draw the line.

That's what drunks do - trouble getting a boner and don't really care

Is it possible that he's getting shitfaced drunk because he CAN'T get a boner?

leogachi 15

@57 That's a fair point. If he's drunk he can blame the alcohol, but he then has two problems instead of one.

Seven is way too many for that to happen! It's time to move on from that idiot.

Had to vote this one as deserved. If OP hasn't learned the lesson and gotten out of that relationship by now...