Where to now?

By Anonymous - 10/07/2012 05:55 - United States

Today, I was finally leaving my hometown to live in my dream city. Everything was packed, keys were handed in, goodbyes were made. The moment my truck began pulling out to get underway, the guy I'd gotten a room from in my new city called to inform me that he'd decided to rent to someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 743
You deserved it 2 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, didn't you had to sign a contract or so?

At least you weren't half way there. You only just left.


Who knows, maybe there will be ANOTHER room somewhere in the city?! Some people take minor set backs way too seriously.

that's when you call that punk back and bitch him out

as others said, I hope you signed some sort of agreement with the person before you left.

imsoshortwhyyy 6

You were driving while talking o the phone?!

It was California, wan't it? You got lucky. California is a cesspool. Unless you were going to live in 29 palms.