What's cooking?

By Hunter - 06/12/2010 06:17

Today, my five year-old son was sick with a stomach bug. He didn't want to leave my side, so I grabbed a bowl from the kitchen for him to puke into. The thing is, it was dark in the kitchen and I accidentally grabbed a strainer. My new outfit is now ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 739
You deserved it 33 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should be worried about your kid being sick. not your outfit getting ruined, because that is easily washed. o_O


Lol at least you strained any big chunks out ha ha

Who pukes in a BOWL? And how can you not tell the difference between a bowl and a strainer? Either you are a retard of epic proportions, or this is fake...

I love how to OP says 'the thing is, it was dark'... like 'well? What was I supposed to do about that?' Get an electrician in there ASAP and have a lightswitch installed. You won't believe the difference it makes.

One, turn on a light. Two, if you're so upset about your precious outfit, why would you wear it while tending to your child who has a stomach bug?? Common sense....

moonmask 0

You know, there's this new invention called electricity. It does magical things like TURNING ON LIGHTS.

jkweenjkwrntjkrw 0

Oh take care of your kid and forget your clothing.