What am I doing?

By janesays - 24/02/2010 07:45 - United States

Today, my 2 year-old had a large booger blocking his nose so I pulled it out. I was on the phone and absentmindedly rolling it around between my thumb and pointer finger. I put it in my mouth and crushed it between my teeth for a solid minute before I remembered what it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 592
You deserved it 66 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

That is ******* disgusting. I think I hate you for putting the scenario in my head. Also, YDI for absentmindedly playing with your child's snot instead of putting it straight in the trash. Or, say, removing it with a tissue in the first place.


That is absolutely disgusting! You must eat your own boogers if it's that natural for you to eat a booger.

JockeyGirl 0

that's f-ing MESSED UP!!! ewwww that's disgusting....some things should not be posted on here....ugh and thanks for going into detail....

hellykitten 0

That's one of those things people do NOT want to hear. Even on FML.

I BET YOU LOVED IT  

Lexipop49 0

If my nose was runnin money I would blow it all on you, but it's snot! :-)

Anunnaki 0

Poor dear, parents have to put up with disgusting things. Sometimes accidents happen. I bought diapers a wee bit too big for my preemie. When he slept in my lap on his side and peed, he wasnt the only one who was "wet".

Exeedingmango 0

first of all why would u pick ur sons nose u sick and second if all why would u roll it around in ur fingers. ur disgusting