
By Anonymous - 19/02/2013 07:55 - Australia - Wahroonga

Today, I met my mother's deeply religious fiancé for the first time. His response upon seeing me was to look me square in the eye and say, "You'll need to take out that nose stud or I'm afraid you'll not be welcome in our home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 806
You deserved it 4 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see what your nose stud has to do with religion, this guy sounds like a bit of an ass!


You should totally start messing with him! Fake tattoos fake piercings carry around a book of witch craft or the dummy's guide to demon worship.

peaceloVedreams 9
suspiciousspider 4

Respect is mutual. Tell him you'll respect his personal choices if he respects yours. It sounds like you're too old for him to be ordering around like that anyway.

ulissey_fml 22

Yet another one who uses" faith" to take control. And what a noseous thing to say on the very first meeting!! You'll have to wage a serious guerilla warfare. Be canny, be devious and smart, and ruthless and patient. Have people in the family and close friends back you up , drop hints and help your mother see the light speedily. So he won't cheat you out of your own family. Start collecting proof of what a moron he is, if you can: it helps to write dates and incidents , it makes it a lot more difficult to play the "my word, your word" game.

Tell him if he'll pay you back for it you will

pathxfinder 11

your mother should stand up for you and if she doesn't she's as much of a prick as he is

wolfman10187 5

Ok being that someone may have 1 or more tattoos or piercings and has a very religious family member who's against it is bullshit. I have 2 tattoos and my grandpa is a deeply religious pastor. Yet he stills loves me because he knows that my tattoos are an expression of myself and that they do not hurt the family name or harm anyone else. Same goes with my sisters piercings in her lip, nose, tongue, and the ten rings on each ear. OP's soon to be stepdad is just another douchebag that didn't get hugged as a child.

As a religious person, he's making a fuss because you have a nose stud but he doesn't mind living with a woman he hasn't married yet ? That's exactly the definition of being a hypocrit.

so... if he had a problem with your stud when it comes to his family why mention it than instead of earlier? like way before the engagement. he's a jerk