Welcome to the neighborhood

By Anonymous - 16/10/2015 17:12 - United States - Eagle River

Today, four days after moving into my new house, I woke up to a guy yelling, "Fuck you, Claire" followed by a brick smashing through my living room window. Now I know why Claire was so eager to finalize the sale. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 332
You deserved it 1 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Write her new address on a note attache to brick and throw it back.

I will still file a report with the police, especially when there's a direct link to who could have done it. Damaging property is quite a violent act.


This will be an interesting meeting with the brick thrower

Send a brick back.. "Claire no longer lives here.. So u MUST be asshole."

Not only did you post this twice, but tossing a brick back that calls the guy an asshole might not be the brightest idea. Obviously brick dude is already nuts. Also, you'd think the second time around you could correct your comment smh

....is her last name Redfield? Sorry i couldn't help it.

I was thinking Farron, I could understand the brick then.

Meh i hate ff13 so i wouldn't think of faron xD

So do I, but that's the only Claire I know.

I know her as lightning, im a big RE fan so i thought of claire redfield roflmao xD

Get A sign made which states Claire does not live here no more

I'd call Claire and ask her if she knows who it could be so you can go to the police

takeittoem 8

File a police report, and give them Claire's full contact info so they can investigate this bullshit. If you live somewhere it won't be unnecessarily embarrassing, a sign in the yard saying "Claire moved, I've called the police" can't hurt.

Make my day law, if someone threatens you with a brick like that shoot them!

try to get in contact with Claire, I sure she would be happy to give you what you need to press charges