We all do it. Don't we?

By Anonymous - 30/08/2010 07:30 - United States

Today, I saw my girlfriend scratch her crotch and then sniff her fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 048
You deserved it 13 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

and?? I've seen boys do that too. lol


what's wrong with that. haven't you ever scratched your balls or ass then smelled it everybody does it don't deny you don't do it

I ALWAYS smell my fingers after scratching myself ( I'm a girl) and I don't think it's weird so don't dump her!

denisseDGAF 0

pshh thats sexy. no im kidding but it aint that bad. at least it wasnther asshole

you act like you dint scratch it crotch and sniff ur fingers

lovesteph3523 0

wow only 2 comments? lol well that wouldn't bother me.