Wars of the Stars

By Sarge9774 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out that my uncle does not like my step-daughter because she likes Star Wars. He stated that Star Trek was better, and went on to verbally attack a 6-year-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 084
You deserved it 838

Top comments

He needs to grow up and learn to accept differences of opinion. You should put him in time out while you play Star Wars for your daughter in the next room.

Clearly he has fallen to the dark illogical side of the dork.


I would suggest keeping your daughter away from him for a while if he's just going to act so immature

"USE THE FORCE" Well. That has more than one meaning. Use it nevertheless.

nin10doadict 9

His actions were rather... illogical.

species4872 19

As a matter of fact the communicator, (flip lid), from the original series was the inspiration for the mobile/cell phone.

Is this one of those situations where your uncle is a child? Because that would be the only possible excuse.

I hope you protected your step daughter. What kind of asshole has someone to be to verbally attack a child? I think your step daughter is cool as heck for loving Star Wars already :-) (And damn your uncle, I love Star Wars AND Star Trek--- you don’t have to chose one side!)

Goblin182 26

I like them both. I am not so in love with either of them, or anything else that I would shame a 6 year old about. Not even bacon.

They are both great! I actually consider them to be separate genres. Star Trek is more of a Sci-Fi and Star Wars is more of a Fantasy.

obviously something wrong with him. Star wars will always be better