Vibe check

By buttfingers - 26/12/2015 17:37 - United States - Houston

Today, I accidentally edged over the speed limit and got pulled over. The officer asked me if I knew why he'd pulled me over. Before I could say something diplomatic, my dad said from the passenger seat, "Because you're a prick in fancy dress?" I got ticketed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 147
You deserved it 2 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have never understood why the driver gets ticketed for the idiocy of their passengers even when the driver is trying to be cooperative.


Imatric 0

I would have told him off straight infront of the officer so that he saw you didnt agree with his stupidity

Wow, your dad should pay that ticket since it was his big mouth that made you get it.

have your dad pay the ticket, if he wasn't the cause of it, he still made it impossible for you to avoid by running his mouth that way..although, even with an annoying person in the car, you really should respect the traffic regulations, they're there to preserve lives, like your own..