Unmotivational speaker

By Shivvy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I came downstairs disappointed thinking that my parents had forgotten my birthday. Turns out they didn't forget, they just couldn't be bothered to do anything for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 849
You deserved it 3 254


krazy_glu3 0

instead of getting sad that your family didn't do anything for you, go out and celebrate by yourself! don't let them ruin your day :]

Kelita 0

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :-) Hope u have a great day!!!

op what's your address? I will seriously send you a birthday card!! :)

robotnhi 0

OP is in UK, probably your card is gonna take weeks to arrive. isnt it a bit too late? email him a card instead :)

Maybe they were just trying to psych you out because they have a huge surprise party planned for you that evening and they didn't want you to guess. Or maybe they really are the worlds biggest douche bags.

gusgus36 5
shad93 3

happy birthday :) you're one year closer to death lol jk

lacejane 0

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! **** them, they are assholes. Dont let their foolish actions get to you and ruin your day, go party your ass off!!

Kelita 0

wow......by the way u talk, I'm guessing ur parents didn't raise no angel.

Kelita 0
cutespotxo 1

Everyone deserves a special birthday, I hope it turns around. happy birthday op!