Unmotivational speaker

By Shivvy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I came downstairs disappointed thinking that my parents had forgotten my birthday. Turns out they didn't forget, they just couldn't be bothered to do anything for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 849
You deserved it 3 254


Sophie_Sovereign 6

Well happy birthday from us :) To The people saying it's 'overrated' - it's nice to receive even something small or a hug on your birthday, and I can imagine OP was hurt. Be nice!

I think i'd rather find out that they'd forgotten. Happy belated birthday!!

Somebody's parents aren't going to go to a very good home.. :)

OP: fat, emotional teen who didn't everything she wanted commenters: fat emotional chicks who agree

Same thing happen to me today. :,( . I know how you feel.

So what? Do you expect balloons and streamers EVERY birthday?

You know suckish parents. "I wanted to get them nothing, but they're to good for that."

oh, don't worry. You're not the only one. My parents didn't do anything for my birthday from when I was 12-15. it kinda sucked, but I really didn't mind. hope you feel the same way. (also, your birthdays will get better)

oh, don't worry. You're not the only one. My parents didn't do anything for my birthday from when I was 12-15. it kinda sucked, but I really didn't mind. hope you feel the same way. (also, your birthdays will get better)

Havinci 19