
By whytetrash - 02/11/2012 05:53 - Australia - Newcastle

Today, my manager made me stay at work for an extra four hours, making me miss an urgent specialist appointment I'd scheduled months ago. Why? Because her neighbor's dog was having puppies, and she wanted to go home early and see them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 890
You deserved it 2 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Samster2000 9

You aren't obliged to stay after hours, especially if you have something else on.

The bitch had to go home and see her bitch.


I suddenly feel very powerful for having the ability to write the "Doctor's Note".

I don't know if you're like other doctors in the sense that your handwriting is atrocious, but I always get a kick out if trying to figure out what they wrote. :)

KiddNYC1O 20

That shit is like code for the pharmacists.

Waiting lists due to the public health system.

18- in Australia our waiting lists are extremely long for urgent appointments and surgery. It's the cost of free healthcare I suppose. Some people end up beyond help or dead though. Also OP, contact Fair Work Australia. Your boss isn't allowed to do that.

You often have to schedule months ahead of time in the US for specialists as well.

mykelinva 4

Everyone knows that puppies are only cute for the first four hours a and after that they are not worth looking at (Sarcasm alert). OP, people go to specialists for a variety of reasons. I hope that the appointment you were waiting for was important but not serious (like cancer screening). Maybe it is time to sharpen up that resumé.

This sucks but...why did you stay?! Unless she actually said 'If you leave right now I'm going to fire you' and it's one of those independent company jobs where there are no higher ups to complain to about unfair dismissal, I would've explained the importance of the appointment and left anyway. Also, as much as I like dogs, puppies aren't even all that cute when they're just born...I don't think any mammals are.

Did you actually thumb me down for thinking newborn puppies aren't the cutest things ever? I have to ask, are you actually even talking about newborns - like thin furred, slightly squashed, odd paws and no eyes (well, closed eyes) newborns - or just the cuddly baby animals you get on the front of girly birthday cards? Your comment about adult pigs makes me think you're probably not. If I'm wrong then sorry, but if I'm right then go and google one minute old puppy/piglet and learn the difference. Don't get me wrong they are cute but personally, I think it's a different kind of cuteness and I don't find them as cute as say, a 3 or 4 week old.

jmayes414 5

Next time politely refuse, a lot of places charge for missed appointments. So that's unfair of her to ask you to do that.

Open your mouth and tell her you have an important appointment with your doctor that can't be rescheduled. If she doesn't understand or demands that you stay than simply let her know that you will bring a note back with you and the two of you can discuss with HR if going to see new puppies is more important than your health.

You should've just told them you couldn't, considering how long you'd been waiting for an important appointment. I'm sure she could've bothered another employee if she had to be there for her neighbour's puppies that badly.

I would've gone to my appointment anyhow...