
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I tried to discipline my two year-old son. Whenever I do this, he starts pointing and imitating me, and I can't help but laugh. This explains why he never listens to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 758
You deserved it 38 478

Top comments

Awee that's so cute. And disrespectful. But still sooo cute... Wait till he turns 13 it won't be so funny anymore. Lol. :)

This reminds me of the time my brother put baby powder down his pants and when my mom spanked him baby powder flew up everywhere and she couldn't help but laugh. Haha thanks for reminding me of that:)


Let him spent one day with me and he'll be running like hell to his room if he misbehave's. Or just lays on the couch with a hand in his pants...

What's wrong with some people here? It's cute and besides, I think, two year old cannot do anything REALLY bad. So it's okay so far. When OP's son will do something really bad, I think, OP will be angry enough to make his son understand he's done something wrong.

1098765432 0

and that's why you are probably to immature to be a parent...

Kickie16 4

people, its a two year old. A toddler. Toddlers make trouble. They do bad things and get into stuff. Its nothing they need to be beaten for or sent to bootcamp.

You did it for not properly disciplining your child. It won't be cute or funny when he's older and disrespecting you and other people

Smack the little prick. He's only gonna get worse if you keep being a pushover

Tawnkat 13

I know exactly what you mean. sometimes I have that problem too. They're just so damn cute though!