
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I tried to discipline my two year-old son. Whenever I do this, he starts pointing and imitating me, and I can't help but laugh. This explains why he never listens to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 759
You deserved it 38 478

Top comments

Awee that's so cute. And disrespectful. But still sooo cute... Wait till he turns 13 it won't be so funny anymore. Lol. :)

This reminds me of the time my brother put baby powder down his pants and when my mom spanked him baby powder flew up everywhere and she couldn't help but laugh. Haha thanks for reminding me of that:)


soccerkenzie99 2

Dnt let him b firm .. It's the best for both of you .. But gett it on camer first for the cute and funny memory:)

I think you missed a few corrections, here I'll help you. Don't* him,* be* get* You're welcome.

And then you forgot your period after memory.

Haha my kid does something similar all the time its to cute to be mad at.

1crabbygirl 10

If you don't teach him respect, then the outside world definitely WILL. Hopefully not in prison.

Hm, too bad you're not filipino :D Your kid wouldn't dare disrespect

ctlnaaia71 8

You are simply stupid. Just wait 10 years and tell us if you're still laughing when that kid disrespects you and doesn't listen to you. Good luck to both of you.

SamanthaLovesJB 0
cooLING 0

You seriously need to stop laughing when you discipline him or at least let someone else do it if there is someone else in the picture. If not that, try putting him in the least interesting room (the one with the least distractions) and sitting him for a time out. Put on your iPod if he starts a tantrum. It's tough love but he'll become a much worse beat if you don't do it.

You don't soon like a very effective parent. Of you can't buck down and parent like you're supposed to then the rest of society is going to end up paying the price.

*If, not of. My thumbs are faster than my eyes. 8-D

whosays1 7

You're going to regret this, OP. I learned the hard way.