
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I tried to discipline my two year-old son. Whenever I do this, he starts pointing and imitating me, and I can't help but laugh. This explains why he never listens to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 758
You deserved it 38 478

Top comments

Awee that's so cute. And disrespectful. But still sooo cute... Wait till he turns 13 it won't be so funny anymore. Lol. :)

This reminds me of the time my brother put baby powder down his pants and when my mom spanked him baby powder flew up everywhere and she couldn't help but laugh. Haha thanks for reminding me of that:)


The reason your son does not listen to you, ever, is because he has learnt that when you threaten to discipline him you don't follow through. No point in saying you will punish him if you don't and just laugh about it in the end. They are small, but they learn quickly what they can or can't do, and with who. He will test you for a few more years to come, and if you don't sort it out now, have fun when the kid is a teenager. And yes OP, FYL.

hateevryone 14

that is why he acts the way he acts.

He totally doesn't take you seriously, and knows he can get away with it. You really need to practice your poker face, if all else fails a little tap on the hand should send the message

Teach him what the rules are, the Asian way!

vb68_fml 28

Enjoy while u can..it will be no more fun when he's 8 and you already lost control!...good luck

daydreamer244 13

When he's older I'm sure it won't be so cute ;)

GabyAli17 6

its cute right now but wait till he's older..who's going to be laughing now

princessmollysue 9
JeterArmy 0

Super Nanny is a joke. If you just spank your kid they'll start listening to you

Whip that ass and I bet he will stop that shit! That's how we do it in the south!

fatty_mcfathead 0

Eww. My family is from the south and we do NOT hit. So you mean "That's how us rednecks who can't get with the program do it in the south!"

msanch_4 5

You should hive his face a high five.