Try it, you never know…

By Anonymous - 02/01/2013 10:34 - United States - Sanford

Today, my husband came home with a bunch of realistic-looking wigs for women. When I asked them what they were for, he said he wanted to spice up our sex life with them. When I told him I refused to wear a wig, he said in a very serious tone that I wasn't going to be the one wearing them, he was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 290
You deserved it 7 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him he has Toupée extra for that. I hope he doesn't try to give it a little wig-gle in there.

15: I do believe that I am going to need years of therapy after reading that.


Maybe he wants to get in touch with his feminine side. As long as he sticks to wigs, you should be okay.

interesting.. how many wigs was it? it's only weird if it was more than 3 haha

I voted YDI because you seem kinda prudish. I don't get why you would have refused to wear a wig, that seems like a pretty tame sexual fantasy on your husband's part. As for the other half of the FML, at least your husband refuses to let a good hairpiece go to waste.

The wig wasn't for her.. The husband apparently wishes he was a tranny, girl, or just your average drag queen..

But the wife said she refused to wear the wig regardless. Nothing wrong with a man wanting to feel feminine, but personally I think it would have been better of her husband to talk to OP prior to bringing home the wigs. After all he just wasted a bunch of money on wigs, since it doesn't sound like OP is okay with it. :c

I know it wasn't for her. She flat out refused before she knew otherwise. I'm just saying that maybe she should be more open-minded and be pleased that her husband is obviously so comfortable with her. Although, given that she wasn't even willing to do the dress-up thing herself, I doubt she'll go for this.

Shooting down new ideas before you even give them a try. . . Yeah I have no idea why your husband is bored with your sex life. . .

He just wants to have some fun, nothing wrong with that. You should only worry if he pulls out a merkin.

RedPillSucks 31

OP didn't say the wigs were for the head. And damn you for forcing me to google merkin. :-)

anitadoody 7

Oh come on, it's just a wig, not a latex priest robe with a giant strap-on and high-heels with pink stockings! Stop whining and open up a little bit, it may be more fun than you've ever imagined, OP!

1dvs_bstd 41
challan 19

Pretend he's in an 80's rock band and go with it. He's your husband. Have sex wearing a bunny costume while he wears a wolf get up. Who cares? Try anything and everything. The fact that you wouldn't even put on a wig says that you are a selfish lover. No wonder he's looking to explore.

TheDrifter 23

It seems the world has an abundance of women who believe that being physically present and doing their best starfish impression should be enough to keep their husbands sexual creativity satisfied.

Before trying new things in the bedroom, I think partners should talk about it. If my husband came home and said, "you're going to wear this during sex", it would be a huge turn off. If he asked me if I would be cool with it before buying a wig...I would probably be cool with it. Surprises can be fun, but not when they come with orders that I'm expected to obey.