Try it, you never know…

By Anonymous - 02/01/2013 10:34 - United States - Sanford

Today, my husband came home with a bunch of realistic-looking wigs for women. When I asked them what they were for, he said he wanted to spice up our sex life with them. When I told him I refused to wear a wig, he said in a very serious tone that I wasn't going to be the one wearing them, he was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 290
You deserved it 7 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him he has Toupée extra for that. I hope he doesn't try to give it a little wig-gle in there.

15: I do believe that I am going to need years of therapy after reading that.


At least he got human hair instead of that Barbie/synthetic crap. See, bright side :)

Keep on refusing, lady. There is nothing sexier than feeling unwanted and underappreciated. See you back here with a story of him sleeping with "this ****".

...I dunno about you, but the wig thing would put me off of sex.

Hahaha next week he'll be bringing home thongs

I'm sorry to be the one to say this, but your husband sounds bored. He might be at that point because he already knows that you won't do something as little as wearing a silly wig for him.

Fyl but seriously why would you refuse to put a wig on? It's you but with different hair.. Geez

jojimugo 20

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