
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Ghana - Accra

Today, I'm on holiday in Ghana. After having worn an anklet I bought here for the past two weeks, I was told that it's used by the local prostitutes to advertise their trade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 119
You deserved it 8 087

Top comments

MeowZebraMeow 7

And in two weeks you haven't had any offers? Don't change your occupation just yet.

Just imagine how hard the seller laughed at you.. he/she was probably thinking you were an idiot tourist lol


JFreezy_15 7

I guess no one was interested considering it took you two weeks to find out

This is FAKE. "Holiday in Ghana" is a code for promiscuity in the movie Outsourced. A cute movie; a lame FML.

Kenatia 7

I stayed in ghana for almost 6 weeks and I never heard of that once. I'm from nigeria and we sort of share the same opinions with them concerning anklets, extra piercings and waist beads which is that its for wild an daring girls and definitely not prostitutes. You have been totally misled.

Has anyone been offering you sums of money for sexual favours?

You don't work for an ASDA supermarket in Scotland do you? If so... hi boss!

skyeyez9 24

You can wear it back home. I am sure nobody where you are from will know the real meaning of the anklet. Only the locals in Ghana do.

I am Ghanaian and whoever told the OP that was just ******* with her. Lolz

time to retire it until you get home from your holiday