
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Ghana - Accra

Today, I'm on holiday in Ghana. After having worn an anklet I bought here for the past two weeks, I was told that it's used by the local prostitutes to advertise their trade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 119
You deserved it 8 087

Top comments

MeowZebraMeow 7

And in two weeks you haven't had any offers? Don't change your occupation just yet.

Just imagine how hard the seller laughed at you.. he/she was probably thinking you were an idiot tourist lol


Sinamoi 18

On the bright side, if you get enough clients, your plane ticket home might pay for itself!

Disclaimer: Package comes with HIV

So you Ghana take off the bracelet?

\ 28

These puns are quite stale.

AurumPotestasEst 16

Stale puns are the bread and butter of any post!

perdix 29

#24, cat/pussy puns are stale. I can't remember the last time I heard a Ghana pun, so those are fresh. Since they don't come up often, I'm Ghana enjoy them for years to come.

I don't know how, but you're Ghana have to figure this out.

AurumPotestasEst 16

I think I'm Ghana regret this comment...

\ 28

If you weren't in Ghana, I'd recommend it

narkill 13
Capt_Oblivious 10

And because of that, your boyfriends mother wouldn't shake your hand.

perdix 29

Either that anklet has paid for itself several times over, or you're fugly.

That's why you don't just buy shit in foreign countries without knowing what it is.

have you noticed people being awful fresh?