Toxic masculinity = No housework

By sigh - 24/11/2011 19:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend got upset after I politely asked him to do the laundry. He takes every chance he gets to act macho and brag to people about how he's in the Marines, but apparently he is too much of a pussy to act like a man and clean his own clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 727
You deserved it 6 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigAC 6

tell him if he does his laundry he'll get a special reward ;) then give him a lollipop

usmcgalie 0

He's in the marine corp. he knows how to do his laundry. I'm in the marine corps. Guys do their own laundry every day.


stingerz2012 11

He needs to be a big boy and clean his own clothes

utterdebauchery 7

if he is a marine like you say, do your ducking job and clean his laundry. He shouldn't have to serve his country only to come home and clean. That's your job.

wazdog 4

Let your man protect you from burglars, move the furniture, fix your computer, throw out the rubbish, etc. and stop bitching about doing women's chores like doing the laundry and ironing.

TuteSweet 13

sounds like my dad. lol. he refuses to get a job because he used to be a marine. lol. he didn't fight in a war, he just got kicked out of boot camp. I hate marines.

Sounds like a prime example of someone trying to compensate for something by doing something macho. Gross.

stevenJB 25

Marines in my opinion are the most badass of all badasses. While everyone one else hides behind computers halfway across the world. The marines are there exchanging lead with the enemy. :O

hed get along great with my brother hah

If he's in the marines and training all day and Is putting his own life on the line and helping protected u along with his country maybe it won't be so hard to throw some of his in with yours.

If he's a Marine, defending our country, the least you can do for him is do the freaking laundry