Too much Pornhub

By anouk05 - 15/10/2010 05:13 - Switzerland

Today, my boyfriend told me, "Don't worry, someday you'll be mature as well." By this, he meant that I will be willing to have sex with him in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 842
You deserved it 4 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just disturbing! Why do it in public?

Nyc__Princess 0

In public ? Oh god. Nobody wants to see that !


Ydi for not ******* in the street.... You know... Kinda like the scene in the notebook when they were layin there... Except you would be gettin some. Just sayin..

Am I the only one that isn't a fan of those books and/or movies? Sparks is just one step above Twilight on the ol' readability scale, IMO. At least those cheesy bodice-ripping romances don't take themselves seriously. =

Tikwichka 5

TIJD- I have never heard of it, so I guess you can count me in!

thesunsetglow_fml 8

TIJD- definately agree with you! I feel its only a small incriment above twilight though... i find it difficult to find a genuine love story yet above the twilight/sparks factor... it drives me crazy what those books have done to the wold...

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

TIJD- I HATE Twilight. I dont really like sparks that much...But Sparks does have some better books. All of them are better than twilight FOR SURE. So I guess I kinda agree?

66: It's the utterly clichéd and overly sentimental aspect that gets me. It seems like the Sparks books I've read are all written with the same formula, just different details, and I find that as painful to read as Meyer's repetitive adjectives and grammar mistakes. The Twilight books are the lowest of the low, I agree, and the themes (obsession, dominance, codependence, misogyny, the very twisted outlook on sex and "purity", etc.) are more disturbing than Sparks' sugary love stories. But at least in Twilight those themes are relatively obvious (whether the fans choose to overlook them or not), whereas authors like Sparks objectify love and romance and stereotype the "ideal man" in a sneakier, more acceptable way.

Yep, I'm an avid reader, and sometimes indiscriminate about what I read, if I have few options and I'm bored. I've read a few Sparks books, but all of the Twilight ones. I wanted to judge them for myself. My sisters and Mom are way into Twilight. I don't understand why my mom is; I couldn't help but think of how my parents would react if my little sister dated someone who acted the way either Twilight "hero" did. It wouldn't be pretty.

violetsweety 26

Lmfao. Heres what you do. Go to a town center, strip him down, steal his clothes, and walk away. No...Run! smfh public sex. Why do people gotta see. Invite friends or somthing and do the same thing.

Or hit up craigslist and find someone willing to pay to watch. I actually found that "tip" in a popular women's magazine, in an article about earning extra shoe money. O.O

VertigoSD 0

Well duh, what else could he have possibly meant?

i feel bad for him...stop being such a is just sex... ...and in public just makes it that much better...

cantfightfate 0

on some level I think he has a point. judging by the comments all the preteens are disgusted at the thought of this, and the rest of us think it's perfectly normal. it takes being comfortable with your sexuality, which comes with maturity.

monnanon 13

I wouldn't say its perfectly normal to have sex outside. People do it but that doesn't make it right. Being mature means you should be able o control yourself and not drop your knickers for a quick fumble in the bushes, mature people don't break the law for a thrill. Adults can deal with seeing that but I pity any kids that come across any of you horny delinquents in the bushes. And before you start to argue there is always the chance some poor people will see you. Grow up

Yeah, I think this falls more under the preference category than the maturity one.

Gah, I hit Send too soon. -.- Wanted to add that no matter how adventurous you are sexually, condescending to your partner for not sharing your preferences isn't mature in the least.

cantfightfate 0

ok i see your point irishjanedoe. it is a preference thing. however monnanon (or w.e it was) I don't think it's a lack of self control thing and just dropping your knickers. and I wouldn't particularly say it's "wrong" either. some people just like adventure, and some obviously don't.

Sex is damaging to children! We'd all be much better off if our parents never had sex!

Just because someone is uncomfortable with having sex in public doesn't mean they are uncomfortable with their sexuality. It also doesn't make them immature. What IS immature is making your partner feel bad about not doing something they're uncomfortable with.

monnanon 13

i have to disagree 57 i think a child seeing random people having sex in public could be damaging. teaching sex education is miles different to seeing a couple having sex. I would gladly teach my son about sex but i wouldn't invite him in to watch me and his dad going at it. Sex is definitely not a bad thing and yes it is natural education is completely different to seeing the real thing.

monnanon 13

lol im not sheltering him he's 3 months old, the sex talk is a long way off and he is an innocent soul, he's not old enough to be anything else. All im saying is seeing people ******* in public would not be something i would be happy with my kid seeing. I don't see how that makes me sheltered its not like im saying that sex should never be discussed or that it should be hidden away altogether, nor am I saying that showing kids sex makes them promiscuous. I think that kids should come to their parents when they want to talk about sex, the talk shouldn't be forced because they have seen people having sex. Maybe damaging isn't the right word but I don't think it would be very healthy, there's no guarantee they would come to you to discuss it if you weren't with them at the time. Its hard to avoid sex nowadays but at least if its on tv you can switch it over if its too much for the age your child is. I dont see why a kid should be forced to grow up because adults need to fulfill a need for adventure. I think we may have to agree to disagree lol

Xavi89 0

well I don't know what to say about this.

zombehunter 2

sounds pretty sexy I say go for it lol

Lunachic91 6

Because it's really 'mature' to belittle you so he can try to fulfill a fantasy. Go find a boyfriend who respects you.