Too much Pornhub

By anouk05 - 15/10/2010 05:13 - Switzerland

Today, my boyfriend told me, "Don't worry, someday you'll be mature as well." By this, he meant that I will be willing to have sex with him in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 842
You deserved it 4 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just disturbing! Why do it in public?

Nyc__Princess 0

In public ? Oh god. Nobody wants to see that !


heartsbreak97 0

girl I have the same problem. lol

The_9th_Doctor 18

here's what you do. take home to the mall bathroom, get him all excited, make him get naked, then take his clothes and walk away. he will be forced to walk home naked.

He is a cool boyfriend. you should keep him !

hät ned denkt dass so epis ede schwiz ged

I think you need to find a new boyfriend. The one you have has a screw loose.