By Andrew - 30/10/2012 06:08 - United States - Monroe

Today, whilst in an argument with my girlfriend, I told her she was the craziest bitch I'd ever met. She responded with "Challenge accepted." I'm now terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 928
You deserved it 46 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.


And life as you once knew it, ends! Seriously bro, never and I mean never insult a girl again cause bad things can happen! I'd prolly run, fast! if was you... Just sayin'

OP don't worry too much, your girlfriend stole her line off an internet meme, so hopefully she didn't properly mean it!

I have a feeling her Mother will stop by soon... Like mother like daughter.

CharresBarkrey 15

If you're trying to correct the FML, "whilst" is correct. The two are interchangeable.

SoSoRachel 7

I'd sleep with one eye open just in case0.0

TrollingStalker 16

She's from the Internet. You better run.

wouldn't that just meen that she will go look for a crazier bitch to prove how wrong you were?

Seriously?? And boys wonder why chicks go ballistic on their asses... YDI, asshat. Sleep with one eye open, and make sure you have a death/dismemberment clause in your life ins policy...muhuahahahaha. Go crazy bitch!!!!! Lmfao