By ducky2721 - 02/01/2010 13:46 - United States

Today, while working my overnight shift, I went into the isolation room to find some items for a former client. The door fell shut and the magnetic lock went to work. Both unit telephones and my cell phone were lying on the desk, and I waited four hours for my supervisor to rescue me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 671
You deserved it 4 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... you do realize most women's pants don't have real pockets, or at least pockets big enough to hold anything more than loose change, right? I would give like... my favorite Lego set to a clothing designer who made women's pants with usable pockets.

Did you get paid for those four hours? *edit-* whoops I thought the op said they were working overtime...


Also very curious what sort of job she has. Most doors with external electronic or safe-style locks have some sort of emergency release button on the inside - even most walk-in freezers do these days. I don't think they meet fire codes without them, in the US. Perhaps #9 is right, and its a room to lock patients or prisoners in? Odd, then, that she calls them a client, and that they had personal items in the room? Again, hard to say anything about this without any context. Maybe she'll post in the comments, or somebody else will have an idea.

"Client" isn't uncommon in the psych-world.

When I was in Juvenile Detention they explained to me that sometimes when the cells have all filled up they had girls stay in isolation, even though they weren't really supposed to be there. Granted, you can't have much in your room in juvenile detention, but I could see that happening in a psych ward.

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

why was there stuff in the isloation room anyway ... if someone is in that room they don't get to taue stuff with them ..

Wopz. Well, at least it's better than getting stuck in an ice box. Hopefully you still got paid. Be more careful next time.

cerebellum_fml 0

Your in isolation and its getting boring and there is no audible theme patch you to ur boss you're the king of the room and looking like you know You're in isolation muthafuc'a dont you ever forget.

tman118 0

ydi for having a late night shift

Hmmm, why didn't you just get some shut eye and call it a win?

brightbug 0

to tman118- some people come up with the STUPIDEST reasons to make it a ydi. "you fault for having a late night shift"? youre a retard. COMMENT FAIL

iankennedy17 0

that door did not close shut on it's own one of your co-workers probably had it out for you and closedthe door