By lyssuhhhh - 26/09/2010 23:14 - United States

Today, while working at McDonald's, a woman asked me what came on a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. Trying not to laugh, I respond, "Bacon, egg, and cheese." She then realizes the stupidity of her question, and launches three dollars worth of quarters at my face and says, "Laugh at that, jerk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 611
You deserved it 6 592

Same thing different taste


Asstazztic 8
theian01 3

I bet her nose smells :-D *dies*

cea99 0

her ****** smells like you

FYLDeep 25

Sounds like she is of the standard intelligence level for people who eat at McDonald's.

The person who went to the drive through of a McDonald's way after closing time while trying to attract attention for service (and getting none) reminds me of the very same.

Peacemaker9 7

Red Robin....oh wait wrong fast food place. lol yea right

FirstBornUnicorn 0

I have a feeling somebody is going to say "Yuuuummmm".

Sun_Kissed18 25

for reason of too much stupidity to handle?

valtraxman69 0

Guess you could say you picked that shit up. OH YEAH!

chillinAK 9

Hahaha, I've done that too. never threw money at them, but sure lmao at myself. Then again I crack jokes so I tend to make embarrassing situations better. She'll get over it op, then realize she is a dunce.

obviously she planned that from the beginning. she was just playing with you.

Arsonnist 3