By lyssuhhhh - 26/09/2010 23:14 - United States

Today, while working at McDonald's, a woman asked me what came on a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. Trying not to laugh, I respond, "Bacon, egg, and cheese." She then realizes the stupidity of her question, and launches three dollars worth of quarters at my face and says, "Laugh at that, jerk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 612
You deserved it 6 592

Same thing different taste


Hey it's better than having a quarter pounder thrown at you. I had to suffer that one. It went everywhere. I didn't even do anything wrong either. I only started my shift when he threw it D: It's not nice when customers throw stuff at you. I feel your pain.

I saw a guy who was pelted in the face with a Filet O' Fish. Poor guy... :/ Damn customers. Another guy was banned from our store for throwing hot coffee at a customer because she wouldn't buy him a burger. (he was homeless)

io have had that happen to me to my manger offered him to fight and he back down lol

You got 3 bucks in tips for laughing at someone? I'd say that is a pretty sweet deal.

why is that an fml ??Itz only 12 quarters... Smh

at least she wasn't the one working at mcdonalds... you probably needed that money for asswipes since your a piece of shit :)

morgan020 0

worked at mcdo's too during summer break. Never laugh at a customer, but then again sometimes you just can't help it.

Focker218_fml 0

Wow what a stupid bitch! BAHAHA

DakotaCat 4

You should have thrown hot coffee at her and said " Do you want fries with that?"

Because the OP totally wanted to lose her job.

@210 Its breakfast they dont serve fries at that time.. lol

HarleyQuinnJen 3