By pizzagurl - 09/05/2009 04:43 - United States

Today, while working at a pizza shop near a college campus, I got an order to deliver to the dorms. Extremely busy at work and annoyed that someone wouldn't take 3 minutes to walk over, I spat on the pizza. When I arrived to the dorm, a woman in a wheelchair opened the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 190
You deserved it 274 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hahaha...that is soooo funny. unbelivable how stupid you are

Wow, with customer service skills like that, you will go very far in life.

I hop you get hit by a car so hard.

Ugh. People like you are what's wrong with the world, OP. First of all, it doesn't matter who ordered the damn thing, how busy you are, or how lazy you think the customer is - it's your job. They aren't getting paid to walk three minutes; you are. Who the **** complains about a three minute walk anyway?? Lazy much? You're getting paid for the service, asshole, and said service is part of the appeal of pizza places. Don't like it? Find another job. Secondly, the whole spitting on the pizza thing. You know, the petty and disgusting act of revenge against a poor person who dared to ask you to do your job? Yeah, you're a jerk. Worse than that. You are both a feral bitch and a poor excuse for a human being; I hope you realise that. That kind of behaviour is unacceptable under ANY circumstances. Don't be pathetic. Or gross. Or pretty much any of the traits you displayed in this FML. FYL for being a prick.

Well said! Ordering pizza (at least in the UK) is really ******* expensive, i always get it delivered, feels more like i get my moneys worth.

What an immature, childish thing to do. Poor woman.

Wow, you're kind of an ass, aren't you? Suck it up and do your job instead of being a little bitch about it. Work isn't easy but seriously don't act like a 4 year old. That's why it's called WORK.

20 bucks says that if it wasnt a person in a wheel chair half you people here wouldnt give a shit.

alyssamarie218 0

you DARE try to get sympathy by posting that on here? I've been working in food service for 5 year now and I've never actualyl had someone do this at any of the places Ive worked. Then again, the places i work make efforts not to hire scummy lowlives. Go to hell, piece of shit.

What if she had been your mom? Your grandmother? Someone should take a dump in your chili next time.