By anon - 09/09/2013 21:51

Today, while working as a cashier, a really cute guy came up and said, "Hi Morgan". I freaked out and asked him how he knew my name. He then replied, "You have a name tag". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 205
You deserved it 19 580

Same thing different taste


EmsyyyRose13 24

Maybe he found it cute that you got flustered. Even if he didn't, you most likely won't see him again, and if you do, he might not even remember your faux paux. (Feel free to correct my spelling; I don't know how to spell that saying.)

Don't worry, I had an incredibly stupid moment on PS Network. It was probably 3 in the morning when someone sent me a friend request saying "hey poncho" and I was thinking "how do they know my nickname??!" before remembering that my PS Network username had "poncho" in it.

It happens, Op. I wouldn't worry too much about it. =)

It happens, all cashiers forget about their name tags at least once.

kaitio331 17

I have do that before too lol cashier problems

I work for Safeway, and if they're a club member their name prints out on the receipt. So if they do this to me, I can do it right back and freak them out :)

I'm actually really flattered when I'm working, and a customer calls me by my name, because it means they actually cared enough to look at my name tag, or stalk me! Whichever method they chose, I don't care!

That happens to me but I remember that I have a name tag on :)

AnnaMariaMc 8

I always forget about my name tag at work and it freaks me out too