By again? - 15/03/2016 10:03 - United States - Olympia

Today, while making love to my boyfriend, I noticed that instead of looking at me, he was admiring himself in the mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 414
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could he not be looking at you in the mirror as well?

Hmm....maybe he wants to see his ****** face idk


hardattack62 5

Okay take it from me, that is a sociopathic tendency. You will always be second in his life. My bf was the same way. Couldn't pass a mirror or window without stopping and looking at himself. Watch American Psycho!

Metallicality 5

Ummm I don't want to sound to douchey but it's kinda seeming like he might be a little uhh self absorbed

Perhaps he just wanted to last a little longer

Could it be that he was looking in the mirror to watch you both having sex rather than specifically looking at himself? It's quite common to enjoy having sex in front of a mirror

takeittoem 8

Did he also insist on playing Phil Collins during the encounter?

Did he leave after because he had to return some video tapes?