By jessiejaybee - 18/11/2014 10:41 - United States

Today, while lying in bed cuddling with my cat after getting stood up, I found out that even 80-year-old Charles Manson is engaged to be married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 576
You deserved it 3 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your time will come, no need to worry! There's someone for everyone!

No one can resist serial killers. Literally.


LiveLifeAllDay 11

But at least you have a cat , right?

He's been brain washing that chick. I know a chick who has a crush on him no matter how many times I try to convince her he's bad news! But don't worry, you'll find someone out there! I know you will!

Never chase love or it would just run away! So just be patient and enjoy the single life. c:

I have the same problem. People protest gay marriage, but not serial killer marriage? I don't think that people in jail should be allowed to marry. Especially life with out parole criminals. They aren't allowed to vote, why should they be allowed to marry?

CaroAurelia 12

Look at it this way: If Charles Manson can find someone, so can you. There really is someone out there for everyone.

clickme 17

Helter Skelter must be the answer to your problems

DogeMan 14

Just wait and hopefully u will find ur true love

Atleast you have your cat to cuddle with, and if thats not enough you could always get more cats.. Just throwin that out there.

Charles Manson was born November 12, 1934. It's 2014 now. 2014 minus 1934 equals 80.