By Anonymous - 25/03/2014 21:53 - United States - Springboro

Today, while lifeguarding, a kid thought it'd be hilarious to take a crap in the pool. The other kids freaked out and rushed to get out. Several of them slipped on the way out and hurt themselves fairly badly. Two parents are now threatening to sue us, and my boss blames me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 511
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

Tell the parents to sue the little shit who thought it would be funny to shit in the pool. I'm sure you didn't tell him to do that.

Hold the little shit responsible. Don't take the hit.


There's just so many shitty bosses on FML

blames you for the shit or the swimmers shitty manners? His accusations make it sound like hes the shitter!

rastapasta 11

Make the kid who shit in the pool have to deal with the lawsuits. It's not your problem op. the damn kid should be able to control his ass.

People who sue for things like that when it wasn't the companies fault need slapped in the face

martin8337 35

Too bad it wasn't just a baby Ruth in the pool (caddyshack).

ask the parents to clean th pool and then tell them they can sue later.. and while they clean the pool take a picture and put it near by pool so everyone knows whose kid did that shit..

skyeyez9 24

Why on earth would parents sue a lifeguard vs blaming the pool shitter's poor parenting and most likely bad breeding?