By ydahs - 08/05/2009 21:17 - United States

Today, while in the hot tub with my friends, my gum fell out of my mouth and I had no idea where it went. Later that night I realized it had fallen down my swimsuit and had become adhered to my pubic hairs which then stuck to my underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 760
You deserved it 19 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eastsidehippie 0

Time for a hair cut? Btw, u should totally give urself a Hitler pube, u know, just the style. No offense to any jews.


Alright, everyone's saying "time to shave" and whatever, but think about it, would no pubes have made it any better? I think not. It's still gum in the genitals. Gross.

lolz 75 i agree wow dude how did ur the gum get down their in the first place? other than it fell out of ur mouth how did it get inside ur board shoarts?

One in the hand is worth two in the bush.

If you're a guy I can see how this happened. If you're a girl, this is a fake. The bottom part of the bathing suit is too tight for gum to magically sneak up in there.

This is quite positive actually: chewing gum is a disgusting habit so view this as a learning experience and quit doing it.

ladywaldo 0

Its called landscaping!!!! Trim that up!

Rawrrr14 0

owwwww.... good luck with that.

have fun getting that out lol im sorry but that was really funny how did u not notice that?? like i said HAVE FUN or just shave lmao