By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 15:50 - United States

Today, while in bed with my boyfriend, I accidentally let one slip. While thinking "maybe he didn't hear, maybe he's sleeping", the shaking of the bed from his laughter let me know otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 527
You deserved it 9 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hateevryone 14

at least he didn't call you any names

520kzk 2

I feel like you just comment on every FML posted. The comments are normally useless and make me shake my head in disappointment and they are always given thumbs down. Please stop it's painful to see.

DarkJediLove 19

if he's laughing that probably means he is plotting revenge!

SmittyJA24 26

If reply #30 is the case, she certainly wouldn't need to be anxiety-ridden over one of her own farts.

iLIKEbananas3 0

shoulda blamed it on the bed

Aww damn I wouldve purposely burp louder then the fart. O.o it will work!:D

alwaysYOURfault 2

At least he laughed and didn't get grossed out or ask you to leave. Don't be so embarrassed! It's natural :)

I'm a 20 year old girl and I think farts are hilarious.

Mkbitch 2

Did you pretend you were asleep to avoid the look on his face?