By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 15:50 - United States

Today, while in bed with my boyfriend, I accidentally let one slip. While thinking "maybe he didn't hear, maybe he's sleeping", the shaking of the bed from his laughter let me know otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 527
You deserved it 9 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Seriously? Fyl because your boyfriend heard you fart? Come on.

marissamay25 3

Done that before with my boyfriend. It's embarrassing but he laughed so hard.

i hate when ppl are like he shouldnt laugh. farts are funny and embarrassing. Why b silent jus laugh it off. We all do it

He laughed about it boo hoo give me a break

QMoneyMaker723 0

At least he's laughing ad not being disgusted by it

maryam8869 7

its very good that he just laughed .. the best reaction .. now u are not in questioning any more :p

First of all, too generic: "You let one slip" A: Queef or Fart? B: Wet or dry? C: Super smelly or only mildy aromatic? D: Loud, squeeker or SBD You women have to learn the art of the Dutch Oven

#46, My theory is that she meant: a) a fart, she's a girl so she probably knows the difference between the two. b) obviously dry, cause if it were a wet one, she would've shat herself (diarrhea + foul smell). c) the fact that he laughed implies that it was a odorless fart, otherwise, he wouldn't have stayed in the same room as her and we've ran away with disgust. d) (SBD refer to point 'C'), loud farts are funny, squeekers are hilarious. the fact he was quit about implies it was a loud one not a squeeker. Ergo, my theory is that it was a loud, dry, odorless fart.

The great Sherlock Holmes solves yet another mystery plaguing humanity!

So you, I assume, are having sex with this fella but are embarassed to fart in front of him? I say FYL, but simply because you desperately need to grow up

flockz 19

sorry i forgot it was cliff. i just saw that ramp and floored it. and no one would of died, quit over reacting. that river 300 feet down or so had enough water for us to land safely. all the broken tree branches would of also cushioned our landing.