By GymBattle - 31/10/2013 23:18 - United States

Today, while I was working out, I was listening to music with my earbuds in. The Pokémon theme started playing and I begun singing along. It wasn't too long after that I remembered I was in a crowded gym on a military base. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 361
You deserved it 12 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone was probably singing along in there heads, no worrys OP.


Arlisshsr 9

If you hear the Pokémon theme, you can't just not sing it. This just proves you're normal.

thisplacesucks93 2
deathroguetroll 1

As a military member myself, i fail to see how this is an FML?

Please...the group of military males I work with would be singing right along with you and then ask if you had the Naruto theme song too.

The call of the Pokemon theme is hard to resist.

We all know they where singing along.