By needanewphone - 22/01/2012 22:03 - United States

Today, while I was getting ready to take a shower, I placed my phone on the counter next to the toilet. While I was washing my hair, someone called me. My phone was on vibrate, so I didn't hear it until it vibrated off the counter and into the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 924
You deserved it 32 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just another reason to keep your phone out of the bathroom - full of water hazards.

Probably a good idea to keep the lid on the toilet seat down.


All you people that bring your phone into the bathroom and use it, do you wipe it off? Bathrooms have a gross amount of germs and we put our phones to our faces and constantly touch them. I might have a germ a phobia but i try, by all means, to not bring my phone in with me. sorry that it happen though OP.

Ha ha ha today I just realized that lots people who work at hospitals have cell phones, like doctors...

You might have a germ a phobia? No. You have germophobia. I'm not even entirely sure whether that's the correct word for the phobia, but everyone seems to call it that. Hate to bring it up, but the human mouth is quite dirty, and because it's a part of you, you're touching it all the time. Please tell me if you have true germophobia, you're extremely diligent about cleaning your mouth as well.

SwtCherryPie 26

YDI 100%. Learn to live without your phone for 5 minutes. You cant answer while you are soaking wet in the shower. OR close the toilet lid because stuff like that is bound to happen.

Here's a thought. Next time, close the toilet first.

good news! you get an upgrade! unless you had one of those fancy dancy Iphone, or droid. then your life sucks.

That's why you should always close the lid on the toilet.

BboyMarkieMark 3

Happens to my iPod except I hit it off and my iPod is still usable I put it in some rice for a week and it was good

I always leave my phone on the counter next to toilet too when I shower. It did once fall in there by accident though and I picked it up fast before it got all submerged and another time i left it on counter infront me while doing dishes and i accidentally hit it and fell into sink full of water. But my phone still works great after all that. It did loose sound on the ear part after second time of dropping it in water but I fixed it within minutes..

jellitonoctopus 19

Place your phone in a bag of dried rice. Eh, worked for me.