By needs_another_loan - 02/10/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, while I was at work, my wife discovered you cannot put out a grease fire with water. I came home to a frantic spouse, a fire department bill, and a newly destroyed kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 611
You deserved it 2 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When do you learn that? In grade school? My best friend taught me to shake salt on the grease because salt can't burn so that is how I deal with it or of course a lid or another non flammable cover.

fire department bill WTF? isn't that what taxes are for


She really should know better. It's something you learn when you're very young.

AllFrackedUp 0

maybe you should be fixing your kitchen instead of feeling sorry for yourself and whining about over this website maybe you shouldn't have married a complete ******* idiot then

attackxhoMy 0

that woman probably didnt know how to cook from the start

isn't that one of the super-duper important things that is all over the news every thanksgiving (at least in America)? or that learned in elementary school.

actually, i live in the us and have never learned about grease fires until about a year ago... not for lack of formal education either

honey, I'm home. what in holy hell happened here?! welcome home, dear!

Espion_fml 1

You have to pay for the fire department?! What happens if you can't pay? DO they light it all up again?

what a ******* idiot. I learned that in 6th grade Home Ec class. I bet her cooking is terrible.

I agree. Well said cat83. I remember I read a story where this family left their frying pan on the oil inside caught on fire. One of them grabbed a cup of water and threw it on... They all went out on stretchers.

iloveTheMiz 0
rcp90 2

Time to get your wife a big box of baking soda...... Thats what you always keep in the kitchen for grease fires or time to mount a ABC fire extinguisher under the sink... or spray your wife with one....