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By Anonymous - 09/04/2016 09:46

Today, while hiking alone for the first time, I had to take a leak. I ended up wiping with what turned out to be a poison ivy leaf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 204
You deserved it 7 111

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This FML was brought to you by Kleenex Go Packs. Kleenex Go Packs: hiking and having an itch-free crotch are no longer mutually exclusive!

born_hustla 26

Aww damn...I'm curious how that turned out. As gross as you may think it is to not wipe after peeing, it's better not too when you don't have clean tissue available.


TabooSushi 24

Never hike alone, and for god's sake learn to identify poisonous plants and venomous animals before you hike again. Geez. I feel bad for you cause poison ivy rash sucks, but this is kind of a YDI, for sheer dumbfuckery.

if you had to take a leak, why are you wiping??

Lots of women, that is if the person who posted this is female, don't like the wetness feeling down there afterward.

ViviMage 38

Leaflets three, let it be! Berries white, poisonous sight!

tastychickens 13

For those who wonder who wipes when they pee, women wipe to clean up and not smell like urine. Men are fortunate to be able to shake it and put it away.

True, but doing the snake shake also leaves a mess sometimes.

hoosiergirl94 31

I'm really shocked by the number of men in these comments who had no clue that females have to wipe after we urinate.

TabooSushi 24

It's truly alarming, isn't it? And yet we don't need better sexual eduacation in the world. Nope. Knowing how our bodies work, and the bodies of the opposite gender, is sinful and wrong.

if you have to wipe after taking a piss, you deserve it.

I don't know the gender of OP, but do you seriously not know that females need to wipe after we urinate? Our urethra are at level with our genitals which causes the urine to pretty much get all over the place when we pee, unlike males who basically have a built in spout. If we didn't wipe, we would be sitting in our own urine all the time which would not only be uncomfortable and smell bad, but it would also lead to rashes and infections.

KryssLB 14

If we are wearing a skirt or equivalent and no underwear we can spread our knees and ankles wide when we half-squat, spread our outer labia, and push the urine out as vigorously as possible (to avoid dribbling); that will usually allow us to not require wiping after. However, if we are dressed as one usually is for a hike in the woods (which will involve underwear of some sort, as well as shorts or pants), then we can't spread our knees, which means instead of arcing out, the urine sprays down between our labia, pretty much drenching the area and requiring a wipe. It's even worse if you don't completely remove your pubic hair because it tends to also get wet. None of which is a concern people with penises need to worry about (even if they don't shave/wax/whatever); all they have to do is pull the foreskin back (if present), and give a short, brisk shake after. A lot of people with vaginas just don't realize we even have the option of not needing to wipe, because when you're wearing underwear or leggings of some sort you need to squat lower, with the clothing bunched around your knees to keep it out of the way, which forces your knees together too much for your labia and pubic hair to be completely out of the line of fire. Spread your knees and ankles and labia as much as you can and you will need less paper or equivalent, at least, and may be able to get away with a few bounces to shake the drops off. The more you know! And probably far more than you ever wanted to know about how people with vaginas urinate in the woods.

However, with lots of practice, women can teach themselves to pee standing up. And if they wear their pants at a low point and with a long zipper, it's possible to pee through the zipper, no removing your pants.